Retriever For Warriors is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides trained dogs to injured veterans and first responders who are injured in the line of duty. We also provide guided hunting trips to service members free of charge. All proceeds from the tournament will be used to pay the organization's expenses and help get wounded veterans back in the outdoors.
This is a two-day tournament consisting of two-man teams. Each team can weigh in 7 legal fish per day, the two-day total weight will determine the winners. We also have the biggest crappie of the tournament winner. We will payout 40% of the entry money to the top 3 teams, 20% to first place, 15% to second, and 5% to third place. The biggest fish is a separate pot for those who choose to enter. The biggest crappie winner will get the entire pot. Weigh-in will be held at the Osage Bluff Marina boat ramp at 4 pm each day. This is a trailering tournament, you may launch anywhere on the lake.
Fishing starts at sunrise, and all the boats must be in at Osage Bluff Marina boat ramp by 4 pm. To enter, fill in the form below or contact Terry at (409) 474-1588.
$100 per team (+$20 including the biggest crappie pot)
Prepay using our PayPal account